Thursday, September 6, 2012


Milo was born with a bit of a lazy eyelid.  Some days it really seems to droop and some days it's barely noticeable.  At his last well check-up with his pediatrician we mentioned it and she checked it out and referred us to a pediatric ophthalmologist.  We were able to get an appt for early this week...

The dr. did all sorts of checks.  They dilated his eyes, measured them, examined them, etc.  He did very well and was only mildly traumatized by the cookey doctor and all the crazy noises she made in order to get his attention.  The verdict is this - He is perfect.  ha!  No seriously, yes, he does have Ptosis.  Ptosis is simply when the muscle of the eyelid is a little lazy or underdeveloped.  In more serious cases the vision can be affected and surgery is required.  At this point, his vision is great but we are doing "patch therapy" to strengthen that weakened muscle so that more invasive procedures won't be necessary.  I believe this is all he'll need.  He'll wear a patch for 1 - 2 hours a day for 3 months.

He's not crazy about the patch but tolerates it so far.  The worst part is taking it off - you can't exactly "rip the band aid" when were talking about a newborns face.   We ordered him some really cute patches so he'll still look adorable even when he's wearing them.  AND.. maybe he needs to be a pirate for Halloween - would be kinda cute, huh?  In other news...

My annual love affair with the candy pumpkin has returned.  Curse you Walmart for carrying them starting at the beginning of September.  This does not bode well for my "eat healthy and exercise" plan... BUT... it does mean that autumn is just around the corner!  Pumpkins and turning trees and football are starting to make their appearance.  yay!

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