Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Our Little Cellist

Cady had a big day yesterday.  She found out she got first chair in orchestra and also that she was designated section leader of the Cellos in her class.

To say she was excited would be an understatement.  Her concert went great last night and even Milo sat back and enjoyed it.  Remember we don't usually take him out in the evenings for fear of disrupting his nightly routine but he was fantastic.  I think he is as proud of his Sissy as we are.

Don't you love the look of determination and concentration on Cady's face?!  The only little set-back of the day was that at her dental cleaning our dentist found the beginnings of a cavity in one of her back teeth...

We'll go get it taken care of over the Thanksgiving break... I told her I wasn't going to let her miss school since it was for a cavity and not a regular check-up...ha!  And now when I say cut out drinking that koolaid and eating that Halloween candy, she'll listen...maybe...hopefully.  Ok, probably not but getting a cavity filled is no fun so I bet AFTER that appt she'll think twice about all the sweets. 


And you know I can't have a post without a little tiny pic of Milo.  The sign in the concert auditorium clearly says "No Eating"...  He's crazy rebellious like that.

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